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Post Pallet - Removable Arms


Scaffolding Stillages, also known as post pallets, are reinforced with a central bar & most commonly have fixed arms for the storage and transportation of items such as scaffolding tubes.

These are a unique variety of post pallet as they have removable, rather than fixed arms. This allows you to remove the arms to aid with loading, unloading and storing these post pallets. 

€129.99 €159.89

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Stillages are commonly used in the scaffolding industry for storing tubes. Our scaffolding stillages, otherwise known as post pallets, are lightweight while being able to carry significant amounts of material. This makes them perfect for helping to transport your materials easily with forklift and pallet handling equipment. You can easily stack pallets on top of one another allowing you to maximise your vital storage space on-site or in your yard.

These particular post pallets are unique in that the four removable arms which hold the contents are all removable. This can make loading and unloading much easier as the arms can be removed. This will allow, for example, the contents of the post pallets to be slung, the arms removed and then the entire contents of the pallet being unloaded in one go to either side.

Removable post pallet arms are also useful for storing the post pallets when they are not used. The arms can be taken out of the pallets and then they can be flat packed on top of one another. Rather than stacking empty stillages six high you can then stack them up to 20 high, meaning that you aren’t wasting space storing air. 


  • 935mm Outside - Outside
  • 835mm Inside - Inside
  • 650mm Base - Top
  • 500mm Internal Height

The solid scaffolding stillages that we supply have a safe working load of 1.5 tonnes each and can be stacked up to 6 stillages high once full. We also offer steel fitting bins, which are most commonly bought alongside these scaffolding stillages. These steel scaffolding bins are most commonly used for storing and transporting scaffolding fittings whereas the scaffold pallets are used for storing and transporting scaffold tubes.

All of our post pallets, stillages and fitting bins are manufactured in the Ireland, meaning that they meet the highest quality standards.

HERMEQ stock a wide-range of StillagesSite StoragePermanent Fencing & Road Barriers conforming to all required safety specifications and regulations.

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